We will build a network through sports in Asia and create a better future together. We will also foster the next generation beyond national borders.
Main Focus:
- Organizing sporting events
- Holding clinics
- Social Contribution Activities through Sports
Representative of a Board of Directors

為末⼤(Dai Tamesue)
1978年広島県⽣まれ。スプリント種⽬の世界⼤会で⽇本⼈として初のメダル獲得者。男⼦400メートルハードルの⽇本記録保持者(2023年11⽉現在)。現在は執筆活動、⾝体に関わるプロジェクトを⾏うほか、アスリートとしての学びをまとめた近著『熟達論:⼈はいつまでも学び、成⻑できる』を通じて、⼈間の熟達について探求する。その他、主な著作は『Winning Alone』『諦める⼒』など。
New Information
Asian Athletic Academy (Spring 2019)
Athlete Society has been working with Asian countries for last 5 years to train young Asian athletes to be participated in Tokyo Olympic Games 2020....
Call for Participations: Asian Athletic Academy
Asian Athletic Academy has started with the vision of producing the world’s top sprinter from Asia. With technology and science, we will convey the advanced training theory....
Nepali Long Distance Runner’s Training Workshop in Tamura City, Fukushima, Japan
After the signing event of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between three parties namely Nepal Olympic Committee, Athlete Society...